viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

From Twitter 04-08-2011

  • 08:44:29: RT @cameup: Buenos días, Larry Page Just Tied ALL Employees' Bonuses To The Success Of Google's Social Strategy
  • 11:24:28: You know that feature that was blocked, and was not working in our app? Now it's (magically?) working!! /cc @sergioa @finnstr
  • 12:06:05: @finnstr always my Best tweets for you, man ;)
  • 14:17:35: @sergioa @finnstr we only tell @oris the bad news ;) We're also waiting to get feedback from our fruit-themed friends
  • 15:03:00: @carlosdomingo Telefónica te mantiene en forma!!
  • 15:31:40: Me dice un bombón: "La fortuna è già dalla tua parte". Pues ya está, ¿no? #fb
  • 16:11:49: "When software was first imagined as a business, it seemed like a miraculous dream. Because the variable..."
  • 16:12:28: @oris @finnstr @sergioa yeah, WE ROCK!
  • 16:36:16: yep RT @pau: Jajaja lo he oído por ahí --> El "¿Tienes Whatsapp?" de hoy es el "¿Estudias o trabajas?" de ayer. Genial
  • 16:45:18: "Jorge, Why do you still Jailbreak, now there's PersonalHotSpot?" - "Cyntacts, Veency, LockInfo & SnapTap"
  • 18:11:27: loved Thor Trailer 2 on Boxee
  • 20:08:09: OTT messaging is hot RT @TechCrunch: Sequoia Invests $8 Million In Messaging App Maker WhatsApp: Sources
  • 20:27:39: @ddelval0 algo habrás hecho mal :P
  • 20:53:52: OTT Peligrorrr!! : Skype, Gmail y Hotmail suponen amenazas 'a gran escala' para la seguridad rusa, según la FSB -
  • 21:58:38: Terminando de ver Caprica. No era una grandísima serie, pero truños mayores perviven... #fb

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